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The Baltimore Sun from Baltimore, Maryland • 2

The Baltimore Sun from Baltimore, Maryland • 2

The Baltimore Suni
Baltimore, Maryland
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

firJ-UKLIGItlL'S NOTICE. By Divine permis WHITE HALL SUMMER BOARDING HOUSE, A beautiful retreat tor families, 27 miles from Tlnltimore. on the Hanover mid Ui.ivt..rt,i..,, LOCAL. MA'iTKUS. rately, the tiendish purpose of publishing the THE SUN.

Rapid Driving. George Spencer, Charles McLaughlin and a colored man, were brought before Justice Jones yesterday, charged with violating a city ordinance by rapid riding and driving. They plead iguoranee of the law; and being the first offence, they were fined each 1 and costs. Fire. The fire wliicli broke out last evening, a few minutes before 10 o'clock, consumed a small stable in the vicinity of Spring Gardens, the owner of which we do not know.

The engines hastened out, but were not in time to save it. Ueporteil lor the Baltimore Sun. Review of the llaltiiuove Market, for the week enil'iig Jr'ridav, 5. Beef Cattle. The supply was quite limited on Monday, but probably fully equal to the demand, tin) lew solil commanded about lions sold at about )4 75 per 101) in some instances fraction over.

Cokfek The sales of Itio have been at9f a 10 cts. for the ordinary and inferior qualities; and 10j- all for iniddlini; lo good, gales of Laguayra at 10J; and St. Domingo (JJ cents. Fi.olr. llowanl street Flour lias been snerally $3 pur IjIiI.

tliroujfli the week; the sales and receipts light, and the demand also limited. The receipt price generally, .4 S7J. Sales of City Mills have baen made at S'S l'JJ, and of Susquehanna at tfo. Grain-. No Maryland Wheat comine forward.

Pennsylvania has sold at 1 1-2 to $1 13 for prime red, and Sjl 14 for white. Sales of Maryland Rye at 58 to fiO cents, and lVniKVlvania something over. Corn has been rather unsettled, but the last operations wore at 5-1 to.r5 cents tor all descriptions of fair quality. Oats 37 to 40 cents. Molasses.

There have been no transactions within our knowledge. The warm season unfavorable lor exposing it. Provisions. There has been less activity during the present than the past eek. A few small sales of licef and Pork have been made for stores, at about $12 50 for Mess Heef and Pork, and $10 for Prime of the latter.

Western liaeou, in lots, has sold at 6 cents, four months, for prime hog round; and hams at various prices, from 6 (o isj cents per according to quality and Kize, tli larger sizes commanding the smaller prices. There have been no transactions in Lard or Hotter, that sion, there will be BAPTIZING (Immersion) by tiie Bridge, at CANTON, on LOKU'S DAY, (to-inouow) 6th at 9 o'clock in the morning. Preaching also, at 11 o'clock, in the Meeting House of the SECOND BAPTIST CHL'UCII, FLEET Fell's Point. Also in the evening at 8 o'clock, there will he a diseouse delivered to the Hebrew to which the public are respectfully invited to attend the Hebrews in particular. fcrTKM I'ERANCE! TEMPERANCE! TEM GRAND R.1LLY.

The MOUNT VERNON TEMPERANCE SOCIETY, Auxiliary No. 3 to the Washington, will hold 11 Public Meeting on SUNDAY AFTERNOON, (ilh instant, at 4 the BELV1DERE BRIDGE, near the Green Mount Cemetery, at hich all the Temperance Societies in the city are respectfully invited to bo present. The Secretary "of each Society is requested to coma prepared to receive signatures to the pledge. Bv order, je5-lt FRANCIS M. IIACGHMAN, Sec'ry.

THREE NUMI1BK TICKETS IN ONE DAY. STAND ASIDE YE BLANK SELLERS. Heisler Co. still ahead, and cannot be caught. The prizes per every drawing, and afterwards the cash, by thou sands, now into tne pockets ot tlie people thrugh Fortune's Favorites, Heisler Co.

Tickets Nos. 12 H2 flU 1(100 Dollars! 28 .10 500 Dollars! 12 19 39 500 Dollars! All per the mowing's returns; and in the Maryland Drawing in the evening, tickets Nos. 4 9 GO a prize of 1000 Dollars! 10 2J 78 a pri.e of 100 Dollars! This is our good luck. In one clay we sell more handsome to the public than others do in a week. Nos.

Virginia State Lottery, class II, drawn 3d inst. Lowest prize $10. J-2 21 52 39 59 19 12 23 C6 35 57 40 6 Nots. Maryland Statu Lottery, class 40, drawn 4th inst. Lowest prize 5.

9 44 4 BO 69 14 40 75 23 G8 78 72 8 10 Attention respectfully solicited to another Splendid Lottery DRAWS TO-DAY, June 5th, entitled the Virginia State Lottery, class F. Risk on a package of 25 whole tickets in this splendid scheme, SI4H; on 25 halves874; 011 25 quarters 011 28 eighths $lb 50. A package contains all the cont inuation ol mid may draw 50.000 Look to it, citizens, and To-Day purchase from HEISLER CO. TO-DAY, June 5th, GRAXI) SCHEME. 1 prize of 1 prize of $2,500 1 do 10.000 1 do 1.017 1 do 5j0 100 prizes of 1,000 1 do 3,500 Tickets 10; shares G2 cents.

Purchase from HEISLER St CO. No. 1 NORTH CALVERT STREET, first ollice from Baltimore street. Orders from all parts meet with prompt and careful attention. j.j-J tf Jfjf-DRAWINGS Maryland Slate, class 40, drawn yesterday.

9 44 4 60 C9 14 AC, 75 23 68 78 72 8 10. Virginia Leeshurg Lottery, class drawn 3d inst. 21 52 oy 59 iy 12 as a e. The cash paid for two of 100 each, sold in tiie Town Hall, by Jj.uory it uo. THIS DAY, (Saturday) draws a rich and splendid Virginia Lottery.

100 PRIZES of $1,000. SCHEME. 1 prize of 1 do 1 do 1 do $30,000 1 prize of 1 10(1 do 10 do $2,500 5.000 1,0171 1,00 300 3,000 27.814 prize amounting to S506.4.TT1 Tickets $10 Halves Quarters Eights $1.25. HEAD QUARTERS lor Prizes, No. 2 N.

CAL VERT ST. nearly opposite Barnuin's Hotel, EMORY CO. TOWN HALL LOTTERY, draws TO-DAT. Capitals $14,000, S.IW0, 3.000, Lowest prize and tic kets only So halves quarters ie5-h EMORY CO. DAY THIS THIS THERE WAS ANOTHER PERFECT RUSH ON THURSDAY AT SCOTT'S HEAD QUARTERS for prizes, and liberally were they dealt out; though we sold a large quantity, yet we were compelled to return a number of handsome prizes for want of purchasers.

We sold to a gentleman of tilis city the fourth Capital, neing tne very Deautitiu prize 01 in an eighth of a ticket, to numbers 31 37 53. and to another $1000 in a half ticket, to numbers 24 35 53, and another of a in an eighth ot a ticket, to numbers 10 22 53, and another in a half ticket of $600 to numbers 22 35 51, and one more of in an eighth of a ticket lo numbers 22 42 63; also a quarter of a ticket of $500 to numbers 10 dl b.i. Ivow aim this going it with arusti. On THIS DAY. June, tlie 5th, will be drawn the first extra Class of the all triumphant TOWN 1LLL SPLENDID SCHEME.

1 prize of 1 do 1 do 1 do Tickets $14,000 5,000 1 prize of $3,500 1 do do do 2,500 4,000 3.574 1 10 1930 1500 halves 2,50: quarters ei.httis 621 Our friends will sec by the above list, that it is only necessary to purchase a ticket of SCOTT to secure a prize. Orders from all parts of tin? Union should lie address ed to P. II. SCOl ooi Baltimore street, near Gav The following are the drawn numbers in yesterday's TOVV.N IOI 1 T.KY. 104 2t a 4 10 Mi .13 51 4-i fi3 5(1 37 53 31 fi9.

VIGILANT FIR COM I' A Y. The Members of the VIGIUIXT FIRE COMPJSY. arc request ed to meet at the Engine House, on MONDAY, June iui, ai ux-iof-K, ior trial oi lie xuarcer-ly Meeting will also take place on tlie same evening at oo'ciock. Jiy order, L. D.

DANF.LS. See'v. MARRIED. On Thursday evening, the 3d hist, bv the Rev. John M.

Duncan, Mr. William Steer to Jane, eldest daughter ot llliam Adams, Esq. all ol this citv. On Tuesday evening last, by the Rev. Mr.

Matthews. vv imam to wizaiicui nan, ot washing- ton euy. DIED. On Thursday. 27th ult.

Miss Ann Maria, second daughter of the late Nicholas Lanidin, aged 18 years and months. On the 2d instant. Mrs. Miller, ife of Mr. James mi asmnginn citv.

PORT OF BALTIMORE, June 4. .5 Sl'N .4 38 HVJi SETS. ...7 22 CLEARED. Ship Moslem, French, Havre, A. Schumacher Jc sehrs Veteran, Lowe, Ahaeo, F.

T. Montell; Wm. II. Dail, Heard, Xortolk and Petersburg; John Collin, La guayra and Porto Cabelln, 11. H.

Williams; Alien Ann I'ciiucrgrast, creighlon, Kiehmoiid, in. Mason St Co. AH K1W.D. Sehr Elizabeth and Rebecca, Deming. 12 days from Albany, lumber, to the muster.

Sehr Miyloek, Baker, "days from Boston, mdz. to toe master. Hchr Norfolk Packet. Scott, from Philadelphia, sum tiier draught file, to T. Walsh, and merchandize to John v.

mown. Steampaeket Jewess. Holmes, from Norfolk. Re ports below sehr Vamlalia. Sailed ling Robert Bruce, Savannah.

MKMOIUNDA. Ship Grace Brown, Myers, for Baltimore, sailed from Liverpool mt. Ship Leila, Iliggms. of Baltimore, nrr nt Livernon 1 1th ult. from New York, nnd was adverrised to sail for naiiiiiiore on the sib June.

Ship Peruvian, Wootten, was ndvortiscd to sail from iverpool for Baltimore ou the Will ult. Ship Seolia, Welch, of Baltimore, arr nt Liverpool Nth ult. from Mobile. Shins Caspar, Spilcker, nnd Luropn, Ilomans, for Baltimore, sailed from Bremen llth ult. the former nrr oil' Portsmouth Mill.

Ship Pocahontas, Iliegins. of Baltimore, cleared nt New Orli for orK iru mi. Bremen barque Philadelphia, Greve, from Baltimore nrr ut Bremen 7th ult. Barque Potomac, Drew, of Bal' more, sailed from Flushing lor New ork 1st ult. Brig Janet, Lniulis, nf llaltiniore, pniled from Gibral tar, 2th April, lor Rio de Janeiro.

Brig Oglethorpe, Slimier, of Baltimore, nrr at Savannah 'J: 1th ult. from Philadelphia. The brig Argyle, Codninn, air at Manilla, 2d Feb. from Lima. Sehr (Jen.

Call, Edmoiidson, from Baltimore for Sa-vannnh. wasspoken oil' Charleston bar 30th ult. Sehr Rochester, Wise, for Ballimore, cleared nt New York 3d net. -AOOD for HORSES, MARES, COLTS, or imv other kind of stock, about live miles from the citv. For further information, apply to Mr.

JOHN HICHAM. Eutaw street, or of Mr. JAMES ARM- his Soap Factory, near Pratt street bridge. je.v:u "1 O'i'lCE. This is to notify all persons that JAMES JLl W.

EDWARDS Is no longer in my employ, nnd W. EDWARDS Is no longer in my employ, nnd Ihey nre therefore requested not to transact any busi- lies- with Iiiiii on my Jr.VJt my nccouni. J. i iu i i LL A well kept PI'fcY WAGON FOllS1 GY WAGON, ith leather top and in good re- liair. and of tin- latest fashion.

lie owner having no use for it, will si ll it low fur rush. It can he seen at Mr. TlloMAS JENKINS' Coach Factory. North FREDERICK. near Gay sf.

ji 5 It 21 Eastern Fountain. The eastern fountain with its environs situated in Pratt street, east of Harford run is certainly, at this time, delightful spot. The refreshing beverage which it yields in so great plenty, is supplied from a natural spring in the centre of the enclo sure inself. By a recent calculation, the water furnished from some unknown recess in the earth, amounts to 5,700 gallons every twclv hours. The water has all the qualities of good article cold, clear and tasteless.

The plot of ground in which the fountain is located has an extent of about one acre and a halt, co vered, at this time, with a rich carpet of old English blue and orchard crass. 1 he trees. 1 about 112 in number, consist of the linden, sy camore, horse-chestnut and English elm. plaee so well calculated to gratify every sense. and also so conducive to temperance, chastity and purity in every respect, one would imagine would never be liable to the intrusion of mde eency or libertinism.

In this wc are mistaken as wc learn from the communication of a lady She speaks not of any improprieties within the enclosure, but of collections of young men in the vicinity during the evening, who exhibit specimens of obscenity and blackguardism ut terly incompatible with decency. So bold and reckless have they grown of late, that females passing along have been often insulted. Poll officers, look out. llhtck Sheep Pasanankie was arrested on Thursday last and brought before Justice Pc chin upon a warrant for debt amounting to 15 This sum was allcired by the plaintiff, Aaron Waglin, president of the Jewish society in Bal timore, to be due as a subscription. Pasanankie was not able to pay the debt, and was left to the mercy of the law, which as to go to jail Being considerably intoxicated, he stoutly re- fused to set out on the journey, without the ac commodation of a hack.

The officer sugges to him a cart for the purpose, the degradation of which so startled him that he set out without hesitation. Before going far, he yielded to the power of the sun or rather to the pow er of his key, and sat dow n. Under these circumstances the officer, who is a kind of a doctor in such ea ses, and who knows the Denent 01 colu water. made an abundant application of the refreshing liquid about the temples of his patient, which revived him amazingly, and brought him to his feet. The magistrate mentioned a fact which greatly redounds to the houor of this class of our citizens, namely, that he had never known a case of intoxication among them before.

It seems, however, there is a black sheep in every flock Ac to Grass. Samuel Ellenger was brought before Justice Jones, on Wednesday afternoon, upon a warrant served upon him at the instance of a colored man named John Smith, for a debt amounting to S7 cents. The applicant for jus lice, it appeared, employed himself in carting new grass in 12 i cent bundles, from Federal Hill to Fell's Point. He sold a load to the de fendant, and proceeded to deliver it. Whi! this process was going on, a passer by asked Mr.

Ellenger, in the German language, what he paid for the grass. He answered 6 cents, The cartman understood enough of German to perceive that the statement was incorrect, and contrary to the bargain. He immediately de clined the delivery of any more bundles, seven having already been put out. Turning his cart to the office of the magistrate, he obtained warrant for tiie seven bundles at 1A cents. Here the difficulty commences.

Tiie testimony of the black could not be admitted against the white man, nor could the defendant explain the bargain but by the evidence of a second person The magistrate surmounted the difficulty by- drawing an acknowledgment from the defendant that he had received seven bundles. What kind of grass was it said the magistrate? It wa said he, the same as that in the cart before the door. He- were two confessions of conse quence. The Justice then appointed two disiii-terestcd men to value the bundles, who estima ted them at 12X cents, and judgment was then given fur the amount. Sagacity.

A gentleman who has his office in Holliday street, and who ow ns a large New loundland ilog, was auoiit to laite a rule on Thursday afternoon, and directed his horse to be brought to the door. According to the cal culations of the dog, this movement of his mas tcr was dangerous, and when about to put his foot in the stirrup, the dog seized him and pull ed him back. He attempted to mount a second tune, when the dog again laid hold ot Ins coat and gave him so sudden a jerk as to throw him 011 the ground. The dog was now whipped off, ud the master succeeded in mounting, but he gain ran and seized the horse by the throat, and, with some difficulty, was at last locked tip in a room. The conduct of the dog can only be explained by mention of the fact, that he never before saw his master attempt to mount on horseoacK.

Assaults. Semicus Calvin, colored, was ar rested yesterday, and brought before Justice Jones, charged in the deposition of Gillcy Ellen, colored girl, with threatening to take her life. He gave security for his good behavior in future. John also co'ored, was taken yesterday before Justice charged with beat ing Emily Quinu, a colored woman, and committed to jail for his appearance at the Saturday court. Alexander Ihoinpsonw as taken In lore uslice McDonald, on Wednesday, charged with beating Clara Powell, lie gave scctuiiy for his appearance at court.

1 leborah Freeman, olored, was charged with threatening Ann Schmitke, and released on giving to keen the peace, hv Justice Pcningtoii. disuniting a Kobcrt Kaudul barged yesterday, upon the deposition of Sa- Ann Heninger, with striking her in the face, and knocking her down. The oalh was made before Justice Jones, who issued a war- nit for his arrest. By this act Randal hits forfeited his security, taken some time in April last, for an assault upon the same girl. As soon as arrested he will be sent to the city court, and his recognizance in the sum of taken en the former occasion, will be sent Willi him.

Jk'arrtM Ktcape. At the funeral of Mr. Got-leib Buhre, yesterday afternoon, and during the firing of the guns, the musket of one of the Guards accidentally went off hile loading, and the ramrod being in at the time, passed close to the head of Capt. Brandt. No injury was sustained, but the escape was fortunate and the circumstance, leaches extreme caution.

MRS. SLACK solicits the patronage of her friends The terms reasonable, which will be made known by calling at Mr. Fisher's Tavern, corner of St. Mary'srt. and Pennsylvania Avenue.

jo5-3t HE SUBSCRIBER having lost, or left where Imi was at work, a GLAZIER'S Dl A MO XI). wii an ivory handle, and breaker, the tinder will be suitably rewarded, and receive the thanks of the owner, by ro-turning it to him, at his Shop, No. 11 FAYETTE or leaving it ut the Ollice of the Sun. je5-lt TIIOS. K.

TURNER. STEAM ENGINES FOR SALE. The subscribers having fitted up a new Steam Engine nnd Machine Shop, oilers for sule tlieir four horse ENGINE, with 50 feet of Drums atlaelieei, with the unexpired lease on the premises. Alsoaseond-baiid eight horse ENGINE, and three second-hand BOILERS, which will be sold low U'carly application is made toMAYGEltfc WASHINGTON, East Falls Avenue, -altimoi e. je.Vlt 1)AWNB0KitS AND OTHERS.

Wa taken from an office iu this city, on Thursday evening last, a double cased SILVER ENGLISH WATCH, by J. Johnstone, London, 34G2, having attached to it a Guard of Links made of horsehair, and a Gold Key. You are requested to stop said Watch, and by calling at this office will hear of the rightful owner, and for a return of the Watch will be suitably rewarded. je5-lt Dtif a 'pi? cat i.1 nv trTirn mrunn in in HOIWEJ. ymmg: 4 broad whool UAltTS, and one set of Salt Bags for each cart, expressly for hauling salt and plaster; 1 CART for night work, in good order; 1 broad wheel WAGON, with harness, for nil the above.

All to be sold together, or separate, to suit purchasers. JOSHUA LEMMON, je5 3t comer of Ross and St. Mary street. QUiYlMER CLOTHING! The subscribers invite their customers and the public to an examination ot a fine selection of SUMMER GOODS, iu part, twilled, crape and plain SUMMER CLOTHS of various colors and stvle, single mill'd CASSIMERES, UAMBROONS, DRILLINGS, for pantaloons; a very handsome assortment of MARSEILLES VEST-INGS. Their prices as usual very moderate, and iu, view of thfl great t-careity of money, they oiler a dis count oi iu per cent to all who preler paying cash.

CORNELIUS "BISHOP, j-St No. 55 West Pratt st. NEW STYLE SUMMER WEAR. Just received, super diamond Gambroons; plain and ribbed Prineettas; Summer Cloths; single-milled Cassimeres; striped Satleens; Angola Mixtures; plain and striped Jeans; super Cashmerett; Silk nnd Marseilles brown Linens; Grass Cloth; Grass Linens; Searsucker Ginghams; Hosiery; Gloves; Silk and Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs; also, a large and general assortment of Domestic Goods, bleached and brown, always on hand; super medium quality black, blue, and fancy Cloths and CasshncRv. An invitation is respectfully tendered to persons to call.

JOHN W. RICHARDSON, je5 tf No. 23 Baltimore street. "I ANTON MATTING, iic. at 76 HALTIMORB STREET, comer ot Jlouuwv.

fresh Imported Canton Matting. 6-4 wide, at ot cents pervard; and a fresh supply of WOOLLEN CARPETING at 02 cts. Also on hand, VENITIAN CAill'ETl NG, 4-4, 3-4 and 2-4 wide; STAIR ROUS; Tufted and Brussels RUGS; BAIZES; Plain and Figured Oil Cloth TABLE COVERS; WINDOW BLINDS; DOOR MATS; Stair Linen; Furniture OIL CLOTHS; White and Colored CARPET CHAIN; Itagarid I lump CARPETING; Cotton Spanish MATTING, fcc, FOR CASH ONLY. WILLIAM JEFFREYS, No. 76 Baltimore street.

X. B. A lot nf Remnants of Oil Cloth on hand, suit-abb! for Door Pieces, very cheap. j5-3t rpilE NEW YORK CHEAP LACE STORE, AO. 27 PRATT STREET, near H.morer, with close in a days.

THE STORE AND FIXTURES FOR RENT. Among many of the bargains-on hand are Several pieces of 2 yards wide Lace for shawls. A great variety of Muslin Trimming. Lyle Thread Edgings, 2 cents per yard. Real Linen Thread Edgings, 4 cents per yar.

Embroidered Silk Mitts', 12J cents per pair. Black Mohair Silk Mitts, 18 cents per pair. Mohair black and colored Silk Gloves, with lace-tops, cents per pair. Several bexes of Sonnet Ribbons, received this at half tlieir usual price. per yard.

Yard wide fancy Nett for capes and and caps, 16 eta-Wide square Wash Lace for caps, 6 cents per yd. Black Edgings and Laces, all sorts. Infants' Robes, Caps, and Bodies, and Muslin Ruffief-. N. It.

German Silver Tea Spoons, 25 cents per set; Table Spoons, 6i cents each; Broaches and Brentt-Pins, 9 cents each. prices and no abatement. je5-lt REWARD. Lost, yesterday morning, 2nd between 8 and 9 o'clock, in the neighborhood of Market Space, a Pocket-Book, containing notes of the following description: three $10 bills on the Bank of Richmond, 1 do. on the Farmers' Bank of Baltimore; 1 do.

on the Marine Hank; several $5 bills, bank not known, anil $3 Fell's Point Savings Institution. Also, a Note of Hand, drawn on John Siiiinionds, the amount of $10. The above reward will be paid on the return of the same to the otliee of tlie Sun, or to Daniel Boston, No. 7 Bond j5-2t T1 HIE HOROSCOPE FOR JUNE. TURXER, 10 NORTH STREET, has just received the above number of this very popular work; it is issued every month, and contains the Weather Predictions, Fortunate and unfortunate Days, A Guide lo Business Men, Farmers, Gardeners, Mechanics, and Seamen; with Notices of the Political Changes in the whole Empire.

mis uook sens ior tne astonishing low price ot 1-J cents. In Philadelphia there are one thousand sold every mouth. TURNER, 10 North street. wear the Post Ollice. G1KE.V, tour AT REDI CTHJ.V No.

7 LEXINGTON ST. SURGEON DENTIST, inserts Artificial Teeth on the most improved plan, and performs all operations upoa the TEETH at the following greatly reduced prices: roririaKing a whole set ol teetn inserting tooth on gold plate 3 SO silver plate 2 00 pivot 1 50 plugging tooth with gold 1 00 silver 50 destroying nerve. 100 filling teeth 25 extracting teeth 25 The Teeth used bv the subscriber are the MINERAL INCORRUPTIBLE TEETH, which have received the approval of tlie following medical gentlemen: Professors N. R. Smith, J.

T. DucntrJ, K. VV. Hall, S. K.

Jen nings, E. Geddings, G. S. Gibson, J. R.

Dunbar. I he above operations are penonneu ai greatly reduc ed nrices. so it affords all that are iu want of Dentist operation, to have the services of ihe subscriber, and incases whers proper satisfaction is not given, tlie money Will be returned. Io, 7 LEAlNCTON STREET. jc5-lt BROTHER JONATHAN The Handsomest nnd Cheapest, and among the largest and Best Week ly Journals in the United States Edited by N.

P. Wil lis and II. Halings Weld; Published by Wilson Company, 162 Nassau, street, City of New York, tw whom all business letters should be addressed, free of postage, Tkkms Three DolLtr a year in ndranee. or two copies one year for Five 1ol'itn, The BROTHER, JONATHAN will furnish iu its ample columns, immediately niter tlieir publication in the principal Literary-Marts of Europe, most if not all the new Tales, Novelettes, Plays, Songs, Essays and Poems of Dickknk, llut.wi.ii, Jamks, Haiuiy I.onnKui'Xit, Mrs. C.

Hall, Boz, Mis. Cork, Luiian Bi.ANciiAun, Wooli, and nil of the distinguished writers of Europe whose worksi nre adapted lo its pages. Ilj paper will also supply its readers Ironi week I. l. A can writers, ns they fall from the press; nnd its Editori- 10 columns will always suppiicu vv no me nesi euortn ot the gentlemen superintending mat department.

Bcnutmil WOOD EMilCAV i.m., ny the most coinplished American Artists, will appear in every pa per; and apiece oi fasinonauiu iiiuMU, popular iu the Atlantic Chios. CONTENTS OF THE BROTHER JONATHAN FOR SATURDAY, June 5th: Gelling to Windward, OriLinal, by N. P. Willis. The West, mi Original Poem, by Mrs.

L. Adams. Only Little Prodigy, illustrated with neat Wood Cut; extracted from the Comic Grammar. Mordaunt Mervale and the Moiiev-LemliT. Ihn Crack Story of the month, from the Dublin University Magazine, for May.

This story occupies nearly nn en- uie page 01 nn: oroiuer jonninau, and furnishes alone Four Shillings worth of Romance in the Hook (iirm. It is Intensely interesting, and describes siliialiolis, per-plcxiliesand temptations, which will be easily appreciated by too many persons, in basic to borrow, but un-tible to pay. haiies Mallev. bv Harrv Lorremier three new chapters. he fifate of Ihe Country.

A Discourse delivered In' the llth Pres. Church, br Rev. Mnson Noble. President's Message; News of the Week. he.

Watch Returns; Foreign Miscellany; Citv Intelli gence, lie. Single copies for sale, nnd sulieriplions received by WILLIAM JAU.HK, Agent. Jfl-tw No. 12 North street. ONE CENT REWARD.

Kniiawny from fi food home, to gratify an ungrateful disposition. '(JOSHUA Connor; nn l. apprentice JLJto the Shoe Making business, between ll and yearn ol nge; hail on a brown close bodied ennf. white curded pantaloons, new Monroe boots. All persons nre forbid harboring or employing sai.l boy under the severest penalties nf rhe law.

)' Israel rohb. Chronicle's mendaciavs "expose," with a view i'iom tn he false. one of them they certainly believed to be so, if they are to be believed themselves a doubtful cir eutustance; and of the falsity of the others, they could not well be ignorant We make no comment; the diabolical purpose of our neighbors is too palpably self-evident to be mistaken, nor is the cause of it a secret trc have been too successful. It may, too, be well enough to remark, that there has for some time evidently existed a conspiracy between our ob scure neighbors and their equally hulf-hialen friend, the Chronicle, against the Sun and tl Ledger. It has often excited our mirth and amused us exceedingly, to witness the puny and ineffectual efforts of the united brothers, to do injury to two such well-established journals as the Ledger and the Sun.

But dates will peck at eagles sometimes. Let Justice be IVine. 80 says the editor of the Frederick Examiner, at the head of an article in his last number; and so say wc. Let justice be done, certainly let it. The Exaini ncr complains that we let appear in our columns the word "gammon," as used by our Philadel phia correspondent, in reference to the robbery of the Frederick County Bank.

Ho is "sorry for it, because he thinks we have some preten sions to "decency an opinion 111 which we are quite happy to agree with him. But by his defence of "the officers, and the gentlemen conv posing the Board of Directors of tiie he is clearly more sorry for them than for us. Now wc beg our Frederick friend to remember, that neither our correspondent by writing, nor we by publishing, assailed the character of those gentlemen. The paragraph in which the of fensive word is found, is not the coinage of the writer's own brain; it is a part of "the news of the and as such was his legitimate proper ty, lie does not say that he thinks the robbery was "all gammon," but says that it was "genw rally considered here" that is, in Philadelphia "as all gammon." He merely gives the gene- ral opinion there, as news; and certainly we have no right to keep back the general opinion of any community on a subject of public import ance, when put. into possession of it, lest a few gentlemen should feel hurt at its publication.

Of the gentlemen spoken of by the Examiner, we know nothing, save that they are reputed to be men of excellent character, enjoying the full confidence of all their acquaintance; and we are perfectly willing to believe all the editor says in their praise; but justice to ourselves re quires us to shew, as wc have shew that whatever might be the general opinion of the robbe ry in Philadelphia, we did them no injustice by giving it publicity. "Let justice be done," but let it not be ail on one side; and let the Examiner and those gentlemen remember, that such is the state of the public miud in relation to banks, produced by an unexampled succes sion of developed frauds and robberies by bank officials, and by others tlirough either their connivance or their carclesnes, that the most pure and upright amongst them are liable to be suspected, and have scarcely a reasonable right to complain of the suspicion. It is the misfor- tune of those gentlemen at Frederick, to belong to a suspected class; ami if there be any sufpi- cion against them in distant places, it is as bank officers, not as citizens and members of society For ourselves, in the absence of any cause, save. tlie general one referred to, we charge nothing unfair or dishonest against them as men or as officers; and in this expression of our mind, we think we have fully complied with the Exami ner's exhortation, "let justice be done;" but to suppress ascertained public opinion, either here or elsew would be a violation of that principle. We hope the robbers will be discovered, and if discovered, whoever tliey may be, we shall then say, "let justice be dnc;" and we hope that hereafter, whenever any bank is discovered to have been robbed, and the rubbers detected, the Examiner, in its arm love of justice, will not fail to unite with us in crying out "let justice be done!" whoever may prove to be the plunderer.

Temperance in Boston. The Boston statc3 that "John Hawkins, of Baltimore, ar rived in that city on Monday, and addressed a crowd in the Marlboro' Chapel in the evening. We have never seen that spacious house so full before. When the President announced his name, the enthusiasm of the audience beggars all description. When we left the house, numbers were working their ay up to the desk to sign the pledge." I'K Cue AM We are not forgotten even in these excessive hot days, particularly by the ladies.

Mrs. P. A. Niekerson, No. 50 North Howard Mreet, sent us a bountiful supply of several different kinds of ice cream, the richest and most delicious we ever tasted.

It is worth a walk even from the Point to Mrs. ice cream and soda water saloon, ta take a "social glass." also sent us a Mile of lemon syrup, which is equal to the best in that line. The Weekly Si n. This week's number is a very important one. It contains the President's Message: the interesting; correspondence between Mr.

Webster and Mr. Fox, on the McLcod case; the important Foreign News by the Acadia; the proceedings of the Maryland State Colonization Society, together witli a great variety of other matter. Single copies for sale at the desk price six cents. Subscriptions received at annum $1 for six months. Another "Violation or NEi.rn.u.iTV," an 'AitiioNAELE ur meanness." The Sun as the only paper that published yesterday morning, a lull and interesting account of the foreign news by the Acadia.

Some of the other papers gave a few unimportant extracts. So it is every day. (JJ-Thc vessel run into and sunk some weeks sinccj by the Philadelphia packet ship Susquc- ninim, as the Paragon, a regular trader be tween Liverpool and Halifax. FuoM Texas. Dates to the 5lh ult.

have been received from the new republic. There is no news worth mentioning. (J -The New York papers announce (he death of Mr. Bates Cooke. He Was formerly comptroller of that State.

From If wana. Dates to the ult. represent much sickness prevailed among the strangers, and the fever is very fatal. BALTIMOKR, SATURDAY, JUNE 5, 141. (t-TllK DaII.Y ClKCTHTION (F THE Eil'S IS (TCiJur tkern that of all the oiher dr.ily paper of EaUimore imh'nej, and more thtn ci'lit times cs as that of ami other petmy pap cr published here; consequently the rates of Advektsiinu in tiik So arc only about otic titlith as high, in proportion to circulation, as iu any other daily paper in UiejMty.

Mamce Kebukkd. False ami Libellous Charges Refuted. There i an obscure print in Philadelphia, called the Clironielc, which, failing the other day to receive the Prcsident's by Express, as it was received by the Ledger, has, in the bitterness of its chagrin and mortification, charged its disappointment to Mr. Crawford, arent of the Philadelphia, "Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad Company, saying, among; other things, in the way of question, "wfc would, also, inquire of Mr. Ncvvkirk why the agent of the Ledger was allowed to come on to this city with the express, and Mr.

Konsham positively denied that privilege by Mr. Crawford, the superintendant at the lower end of the Jiiis?" In addition to the char-rc against the Kailroad agent, one of the editors and proprietors of the Sun, is charged, in terms of the most gross and vile abuse, with having, "of Canton," near this city, pven an order to throw that bundle oiF," nieaniiij; a bundle of messages designed for the Chronic le, and thrown on board the locomotive, then just about to start, after Kousham, the Chronicle's agent, had been refused a passage by Mr. Crawford. It is also alleged by the Chronicle, on the authority of this Mr. Kousham, that their bundle was thrown ofTat or near Wilmington, "at the instigation'" of the Ledger's agent, who went through to Philadelphia, the only one that did, save the government agency.

This statement is necessary, because the Chronicle is not seen by our readers; because its very particular friend liere, a journal of kindrod spirit, congenial in dishonesty, and of equal obscurity, yesterday promised to publish to-day the lying, abusive, and libcUcnis article of the Chronicle; and because this circumstance renders contradiction proper. For ourselves we care little about those charges, but their refutation is due to Mr. Crawford and the President of the Kailroad Company, to our supporters, and the assailed agent of the Ledger, who is our friend; and we make it on tlie same principle on which we would brush off a dirty insect, or rush a venomous reptile. The facts are simply these. At the request of the editors of the Philadel phia Ledger, we applied for in season, and received, permission from J.

I. Cohen, Vice President of the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad Company, for a person to proceed with the government express to Phila delphia, with extra Ledgers containing the Message. Subsequently to this time, a letter was received by the Vice President, from Mr. iNewkirk, the President of the company, direct ing him in substance to confine the accommodation ol the express to as few as possible. Mr.

Cohen took the necessary order in the matter, but having previously acceded to our request, he did not seem to conceive it honorable to withdraw his grant of permission, and the Ledger-agent was allowed to go on. At Canton, this Mr. Ronsliam attempted to board the locomotive, but was prevented by Mr. Crawford, who in giving passage to one, and refusing it to others, was simply obeying orders, and thus ieeping in the line of his duty. The package, hich is now said to have been designed for the Philadelphia Chronicle, was thrown upon the tender of the locomotive, without any sirper-seriptioit, and went on salely to Havre de I race.

Here the question was asked to whom did it belong? Nobody knew, but it was nevertheless taken by sonic one and thrown into the row boat which carried the express across the Susquehanna, and on the other side of the river, it was just as unceremoniously tlirown out, and thence into the car. These frequent and hurriwl removals displaced te envelope, when it was found that the package contained the "extras" of a Baltimore paper. The natural inference was that they had been mis-sent, and as there was nothing to indicate that they belonged to any Philadelphia Journal, there are few who will not acquicse in the course pursued, which Was to return them to the place for which they appeared to be designed. At Wilmington they Vere detained for the return train, not at the 'instigation" of the agent of the ledger; and it is paying a poor compliment to the intelligent and trust-worthy agents of the Kailroad Company, to suppose, that they eoulJ at any time be instigated by another to do a villainous act The complainants can aloiu; blame their own blundering manner of doing business, for the detention of the package in question. Wc may liere remark, that even lad ilc agent of the Ledger known all about the destination of the package, it was no part of his duty to attend to the business of others, he had a special trust to perforin, and he would have been faithless to the interest of his principals, had he a Horded facilities for any other establishment than that specially employing him.

The regoin0' facts completely refute all charges, cither express or implied, against Mr. Craw fori and tlios.3 under whose orders he ackd, and whose directions left him no discretionary power. Hut even if he had received no orders, he would have been perfectly justified in this ea.e. To take up one without a ticket, would be to give a license to all who might see fit to oiTcr themselves, and thus defeat altogether the object of the express arrangement. "The same facts fully exonerate the Ledger's agent from the weight of the wicked imputation laid on him.

Touching the imputation cast upon one of the editors of this paper that of directing the bundle to be thrown off at Canton it is most triumphantly rebutted by the undeniable Kits not at Canton at any time during that day, and indeed hud not been there at any time for about three months before! Besides, if any such order were given by any one, it was given without our authority, but "We are assured by Mr. Crawford, that he heard nothing of the kind; that he himself gave all the orders that were given in relation to it, and did whatever was necessary in the way of talk to the Chronicle's messenger, who wanted to goon without permission from the proper authority. Thus are all the charges proved to be utterly faUe and groundless; and we have good xcrwn to believe, flat v.hile our enwous and malicious neighbors were enU-rtainiiiir delibe we liave understood. Mian are neiu at jsb ior io. 1 trimmed: and Herrins .2 50 ner bill.

frinrrs. We quote N. E. Kiun -Jt! to 27 cents; and Whiskey, in 2.1 to 20 cents, with an improving tendency. The wagon price is 20 lo 21 cents per gall Sugars.

There ii very little animation in this mar ket. Some few sales, rather of a retail character, have been made, but nothing to indicate a change ol prices. Tobacco. The supplies, particularly of Maryland. continue to come lorward treely, but there 1 less nni inatiou in the market; prices have rather given way also, probably 25 cents per 100 lbs.

on some ol the low er qualities at all events purchasers are holding back at present. The inspections of Maryland are not as lmavy as thoe of last week. LIST OF APPLICANTS. For the Bene fit of the Insolvent Lines for the pest teeck, James Brooke, 'Patrick Wahh, Edward Binncy John U. Wier, Joel Covell, John II.

Stcibdl, 'George if urbin, William J. Smith, Malm Dunn, William H. Rumton 'Samuel Bradshaw, Lrastus I racy, Charles Stewart, (col 'd) John Rariek, Jacob buck, Ifarkless Howard, (eol'd) Joseph T. Craildoek, "John lieeseiDan, William Cook, do llliam Drane, To appear betore the Commissioners of Insolvent Debtors, on the 5th July, and 4th I- or Debts less than Front Si-reft Theatre. Bbnkfit of Messrs.

Stockweli, Wells. The names ol these gentle men at the bend of the bill of entertainments, are sut- licient to justify the conviction that where they are there will be mirth and humor in profusion, and so it may be anticipated to-mght the Last ingnt 01 the Aew 1 orK circus, riicvareueierinmeaiogivcuicir menus one biimner at and that that shall overflow ith an intoxicating draught, for which even a Tempe ranee man would I'orleit his pledge. Moralists argue that intemperance is not confined to one species that it prevails iu eating in extravagance even in the luxurious vegetables of Havana but Rockwell and Wells have carried the principle farther out, and proved that in has its sociable qualities, both intoxica ting and contagious, and they intend this evening to give their tneiuls a lecture on the subject that tnev will re member tor one season at leat so let all mends at tend at early candle litit. Obsf.rve Them. The following are pome of the symptoms produced by Worms: An Obstinate Cough, tin 111 the Joints or llleeding at the Headache, Vertigo.

Torpor, Disturbed Dreams, Slerp broken olf hv Fright mid Screaming, Convulsions, I hirst, Pahd Hue, Had Taste in the Mouth, Otlensive Breath, Itching, of the Nose Griping er Sweliings of the fctomaeii or Bowels, oracity, Leanness, 1 enes- 111 us. Dr. Sherman's Worm Lozenges may be had of Messrs. Tyler, Laroque, and cithers. Inflammatory I'iielmatisk.

The Indian Vegeta ble Pills are a certain cure for Iiitlamiiiatory Rheumatism; because they purge from the body those morbid humors, hich are the cause, not onlr of Rheumatism md Gout, but of every ache or pain we sutler. In or der to make a speedy and radical cure of Inflammatory liheiiniatism, Irom lour to eight ot said Indian egcta bie Pills should De taken every twelve hours, until every particle ot liillainmation and pain is removed. I hi it properly billowed up, will 111 a short tune make a perfect cure of the most violent attack of Ithcri miitisiu; at the same time, the blood and other fluids ill be so completely purified that New Life and Vigor will be given to the whole Irame. he Indian Vegetable Pills are for sale, wholesale and retail, bv T. It.

SCOTT, Geiural Agent for the tate of Maryland, No. Baltimore street, near Gay street, who will appoint agents in any part of the Stale. Principal Office and General Depot. Io. lbJ Itaee st corner of Fifth.

Philadelphia. t. fOH NOTICE. The JOHN GIBSON, an applicant f-r tin- Hrnehtnf the Insolvent Laws, is not JOHN It, GIBSON, Ice Dealer. jeo-lt The JAMES McCOItMACK re- iKirted in the watch returns of the 2th May, is ascer tained to be EDWARD HI.GIIES, a baker, found uruuk in the Lexington market.

jc.i-lt" SOCIETY'. A Quarterly Meet ing of the I1IUERN1AN SOC1F.TV, will be held at Bovle's, Liberty street, on MONDAY EVENING NEXT, 7th hist, nt 7i o'clock. J. K. LAW, Sec.

j5-2t fCT-DIVINE WORSHIP is conducted every SAI1- BATII, at the LAW KCILDI VGS SALOON, Lexing ton street, by tiie Rev. CHARLES G. McLEAN, late of Gettysburg, at 11 o'clock, A. M. and 4 P.

M. The public lire iimted lo attend. je.Vlt A CARD The public "is respectfully invited to the sale of PROPERTY on PENNSYLVANIA AVE- NI'E, 'I'll IS AFTERNOON, ut 4 o'clock. For par- nlars, see ndyerlisenieut. je5-ll S.


Baltimore, Jim" 1,111. The Regiment will pa rade on MONDAY NEXT, June 7th, at 2 o'clock, P. M. in Exchange Place. By order, je.vat C.

I. 1)1, lilj t. frjNoWcE TH.4IWJIM) llKSKh'ICML SOCIETY, will meet (without further notice) every MONDAY EVENING, at 8 o'clock, precisely, at LO! GHKAN'i TANEHN, and SOCTII STS. Those wishing to become members are requested to mine forward mid join. By order, GEORGE A.

Pec. je.vir I'NirAssocTA'rii'iN. The gentlemen composing the general Hoard ol Managers ol the ASSOCIATION, mere-speet'iilly requested lo attend regular quarterly ineef. ing of the Society on fM'NDA EVENING, r.r'li ediaiely lifter Vifspers, at the residence ol the Arch- liy ord-r, J. iiAiiM M-ci-i VifJr heA CAtTi VK NTIONof be Xi 1 1 f-Af.

AND Cllllti ItCICAL FACI 'LTV OF MARY LAND will held 011 MONDAY, 7th nt 104 clock. A. in the SALOON ol the Baltimore LAW III ILIHNCS. The inuinherH throughout the State are requested to be puiietuiil in tlieir iitfendaiiee. HOIIEK A.

Ill KKI.I;, .11, Ree'g. Secretary ftfiM'oUJMniA TEMPERANCE public meeting of the CObCVICIA TEM Pf.KAXCI'i MM'IKTV, will he held on TO-MoltRoW (Sunday) AFTERNOON, at 4 o'clock, al the JU1SOVEH. MARKET HOl'SH. Messrs. Sianshi RY, Fosikr, nnd others, ill address the meeting.

The public are respectfully invited to nffend. N. It. This Society holds its regular meeting nt the COLUMBIA ST. CHAPEL, every WEDNESDAY EVENING, al 8 o'clock.

J. E. ('RANG Presl. T. Wi (co-It "ir-Yi ie est ba iriM ore i kuancb S( IETY, will continue their Meeting" nl IIOI.UMs STHEKT MARKET, every SABHATH AM l.R-NOON, nt ball' past 4 o'clock.

Addresses will be delivered bydisliiigni-hedfrii'iidsof theeanse. I be public lire liiViled. The Ladies are reminded to be early ill nlleniliinee, Hint Ihev may secure seats. Ni ureal has le en Ihe crowd, the Market house is found too small t'i hold the people. Let them i ome on.

MATTHEW Tl RXER, President. Jos. hViiiuocK, Ree. and Cor. Sec.


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